Archive for the ‘Aeropress’ Category

Do you have a standard size stainless steel filter for your Aeropress (Coava or Able Brewing) and are curious about how it compares to the fine size? Here are some pictures to illustrate the differences:

Top-Bottom: Fine DISK filter, Standard DISK filter


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AeropressYou picked one up on a whim, or someone gave it to you as a gift.

“What the heck *is* this?” you say, as you take it out of the box. It looks like something you would use to unclog a drain.

You’re not quite sure what to do with it and a Google search leads you to a bunch of links about kicking your pressing up to the next notch, using timers, and something called the “inverted method” that, frankly, sounds rather cheeky.

Brewing good coffee doesn’t need to be complicated, and the Aeropress is as easy as it gets. I’ve put together a step-by-step guide to help you get started, but guarantee that once you are hooked you will be back on Google to see what else it can do!


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